judgemintz Houston Metro @AynRandPaulRyan Psychotic! Delusional! Did you enjoy your nap at the G7? Hey, Melania, I can get you in to see Gloria or Raul!
actual_cartman You so much as touch Kitty's ass, and I'll put a firecracker in your nutsack and blow your balls all over your pants.
PodooPaul Nairobi, Kenya Have you grabbed your copy yet? Make your order now;+254714968173,+254732982866
Jetlife_Rick North Miami FL @QueennnPin Your smart 😈
joel_jand Ask your #10 how my babies feel inside your ass! 😜 tell him who fucked you like a little bitch in a park.
Amadthe9od Maria's big headed ass When your boy start dating the girl you introduced him to
WynneKnap Nova Scotia, Canada @MusclePupy @spiderrobotpig *nibbles your neck*
Is that going to be on paper, or more of an interpretive movement piece?